
it was only when I was twenty
that I remembered it
i delved into a part of my mind
where I kept old phone numbers
and useless facts
you know
the stuff that only exists in the background
like a forgotten hard-drive
where I kept old passwords
and pin codes
you know
the stuff that you didn’t know you still had
like a dusty memory stick
it was only when I was twenty
that I remembered it
i delved into a part of my mind
where I kept the memory that
i did not give him

rebecca claire



i froze the moment
on the step outside our back door
this is rock bottom
i wrote down
over and over

i found myself again
in that cold dark moment on that step
this too shall pass
i write down
over and over

i still go back
from time to time to that step
you got through it
i write down
over and over

– look at you now, more golden than ever

rebecca claire